Workplace Athletics was developed to aid understanding of how biomechanical principles apply to workplace postures. The goal is to relate ideal postures to commonly known athletic related movements so they can be easily and quickly remembered and identified.
- a quick reference card outlining Postural Offences;
- complimentary training sessions covering the Critical Combo of ergonomic risk factors; &
- together they create an intuitive system for all workers to successfully identify ergonomic concerns.
- empower staff to independently identify Postural Offences and evaluate the Critical Combo impact;
- increases the number of staff proactively focused on identifying potential ergonomic concerns; &
- staff are able to easily identify Postural Offences through use of sports related posture references.
Deciding to educate and empower your workforce to understand and play a role in identifying and mitigating ergonomic risks is the first step to implementing this program. With this decision, all that is left to do is schedule the training sessions with Options Incorporated. Following completion of the training encouraging use of the principles on an ongoing basis can be supported through use of our ErgoBits program. Please contact us for a more information.
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