Options Inc. Graphic Office Ergo Online Graphic
Workstation Setup
  >> Introduction
  >> Body Basics
  >> Ergonomic Principles
  >> Chair
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Body Basics - The Spine

  • Our spine is made up of vertebrae (bones) that are stacked on top of each other.

  • Between each vertebrae are discs, which act as shock absorbers to help to decrease any stress experienced by our spine.

  • There are three natural curves in our backs: Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar.

  • The ideal neutral posture for the spine is when all three curves are present. Our back (spine) is the most stable when in these neutral postures.

When working in an office, we require support from our chair to maintain our Lumbar Curve and to decrease the effort required by our back muscles to maintain its neutral position.
Spine Diagram

© Options Incorporated 2000.  All rights reserved.  Updated 2016.